Redefine your limits, invigorate self-esteem, and rediscover your lively, positive self.
Clear personal objectives for weight loss and self-improvement.
Begin your journey with a solid foundation by defining your goals and pathways to achieve them. This initial step helps you establish clear, achievable objectives with motivational strategies to kickstart your transformation.
Improved awareness of limiting beliefs and a more positive mindset.
Dive into the workings of your mind to identify and reshape negative thoughts, empowering you to tackle any mental barriers to your weight loss journey.
A balanced diet tailored to your health goals.
Gain essential knowledge about nutrition and how to apply it effectively to manage your weight and enhance your overall health.
A personalised fitness routine that fits into your lifestyle.
Develop a sustainable exercise routine that not only aids in weight loss but also improves your health and energy levels.
Sustained motivation to pursue and achieve set goals.
Learn to create and maintain high levels of motivation through advanced NLP techniques, ensuring that you remain inspired and committed to your health goals.
Better emotional regulation and reduced stress-eating.
Address emotional hurdles related to eating and weight management by learning effective ways to manage stress and emotions.
Established healthy habits that promote weight loss and wellness.
Create and solidify health-supportive habits using proven strategies that make consistency effortless and enjoyable.
Increased self-esteem and self-acceptance.
Focus on boosting your self-esteem through activities designed to increase self-love and acceptance, integral for ongoing success in weight management.
A strong support system and improved social interactions.
Learn how to create and utilise a support network that empowers your weight loss journey, enhancing social skills that help manage external pressures.
Mastery over mental barriers and enhanced mental clarity.
Delve deeper into NLP to tackle stubborn mental blocks and revolutionise your thought patterns, paving the way for lasting change.
Preparedness for sustained success and independent weight management.
Equip yourself with the tools and strategies to maintain and build upon your progress independently, ensuring long-term success and health.
A sense of accomplishment and a clear vision for future health goals.
Review your journey, celebrate your successes, and outline your next steps in your ongoing health journey, ensuring you feel empowered and ready to continue your path to wellness.
Support Development
Building on the previous module, you'll learn stress management techniques, how to deal with anxiety, and resilience-building strategies. You’ll learn to have faith and belief in yourself and transmit this to others. We’ll revisit the work you did in Modules 2 and 3 and fill out any additional detail or clarity. This module prepares you emotionally to manage the way forward seamlessly.
I'm Dave Morgan, a seasoned life coach dedicated to helping those aged 40 to 65 navigate the complexities of weight loss, motivation, and consistency. With 30 years of experience, I guide my clients through small, meaningful steps to foster confidence and self-esteem, revitalising their sense of self-worth. My coaching is rooted in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and mindset techniques, equipping you with the tools necessary to achieve a positive self-image and a transformative outlook on life. I am committed to seeing every client embrace the life they envision.
Redefine your limits, invigorate self-esteem, and rediscover your lively, positive self.